Next time any of you selfish bitches who own SUVs pull up to a stop light, hang back a little, so the less selfish person, riding in the normal-sized car next to you, and who is trying to see around your big honking AMERICAN SELFISH SUV-DRIVING ASS, can see to safely make a damn turn.
BIG SHOUT OUT to all the kids who died over in Iraq and Afghanistan so that you assholes could continue to fill your damn swimming pool-sized gas tanks and so that you SELFISH BUNCH OF FAT FUCKS can ride in comfort.
And to the guy driving the SELFISH HUGE-ASSED SUV towards me, halfway in my lane yesterday afternoon, who had the gall to flip my ass off when I honked at you to get your SELFISH SUV DRIVING ASS out of my way, FUCK YOU, YOU PEA-BRAINED CUNT. I know it's a challenge for you to manage to stay in your own damn lane in your Suburban. CUNT.
I really have no use for the owners of those earth-raper vehicles either. Really. And you always see them being driven by one person with no passengers. What the fuck? They could get to where they're going in a damn Smart Car. Maybe Smart Cars don't have enough cup holders for all their Starbucks beverages.
Yes we have a similar type in the UK. We call them Chelsea Tractors. Huge cars driven in the city. And the lazy sods who drive them cannot reverse them either. And they are often women on the school run.Grrr annoys the shit out of me.
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