Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shit SB Says

Sometimes I get excited and piss all over the floor when visitors come to call, too.


Ms. Moon said...

Well, as long as you don't poop it's okay.

The Dish said...

Would you do that if I came to visit?

Gledwood said...


Sharon Osborne said she pissed her knickers when we they did a comedy roast thing on Channel 4 the other week...

the American "roasts" were better. Pam Anderson being a case in point

anyway I digress ~ you're peeing on the floor now. WHY??!?

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Thanks, Ms. Moon!

Dish, I would, I would.

Gledds, I was commenting on a friend's blog entry stating that her dog had pissed all over the floor when company came over. Laugh.

Mel said...

My dog is two and still does it, only not just for company. When the kids come downstairs from bed in the morning, he pees from the joy of seeing them again. When I come back from the grocery store, he pees on my shoes like he thought I'd never come back. The vet said there's still hope that he might outgrow it, we'll know for sure by four. Four years of pee stained carpets and shoes, why? Because he loves us so much. What's a doggy mommy to do?
I agree with Ms. Moon, at least there's no poop involved!

Syd said...

I came home last night to a doggy room full of diarrhea. It was not fun. But hey..everyone has an emergency stomach upset and just has to go. I guess you did too!

Jeannie said...

I plan to buy depends before that happens.

Lori said...

I agree with all the previous comments regarding poop! I don't care if you pee your drawers when I come over, just don't poop in them....I guess when I visit I'll throw in some Depends with the bottle of wine....

Gledwood said...

there was a thing on BBC2 a couple of Sundays ago where Louis Theroux visited American families with heavily medicated kids ~ some as young as 6
anyway this one family even had a DOG on medication, because "she was getting really clingy and she used to pee on the floor when i came home"
(probably just needed the garden, poor doggie)

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Four years? That sounds fun. NOT.

Love you!

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Bless your heart. Having a diarretic dog myself, I can sympathize.

Love youse.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I hear you, sister.

Depends and a bottle of wine or four work just fine. Laugh.

People medicate for everything anymore, don't they?

Love to all of youse.

Bethany said...

me too!!!
LOL at you.