Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rain, Rain, Fuck Off (a letter to the Moms)

Don’t come again some other damn day. Wow, did we ever have buckets of rain last night. I now understand why they say “rain lashing against the window pane.” Sadly it chose to lash after I had already laid awake for over two hours with insomnia. I’ll bet I got all of 3 and 1/2 hours last night at best. Good thing I made lots of progress on the User Guide yesterday. My ass isn’t going to set any records today.

Once the rain quits, I’ll drive over and check your basement. No sense going over until it’s done. Actually, on second thought, I’ll drop by tomorrow because I have to drop my cocksucking rent check at the bank anyway.

Aunt Bev called while I was out walking Kyle, after I talked to you. If Tex and Bob had called, I would have heard from the whole family. Miraculously, Bev didn’t mention Jesus or unleavened fucking bread once. Thank Christ. She said she just wanted to check on me and see how I was doing.

Love you. Love dad. Hate Ohio. This e-mail will be my blog post for today, since it’s full of blue language. I don’t want to disappoint my readers.



Ms. Moon said...

You made me happy. Every day.
Love...Mary Moon

Unknown said...

SB- You NEVER disappoint love!!

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Ms. Moon,
That is my life's purpose, and I do not jest.

You are a doll to still read me despite my sporadic posts.

Love to all,