Here is a link to the whole wretched article:
From the article: "Researchers at Hwange National Park had fitted Cecil with a tracking collar but it appears the hunter removed the collar and attempted to destroy any evidence.
An investigation is currently underway to find the hunter (found him! phone number below), who spent two days tracking the great beast after failing in his initial attempt to kill the lion.
Cecil was one of the park's oldest lions and was well known for his striking looks and friendly nature. According to local legend, Cecil was kicked out of his pride and wandered alone until he met another lone lion called Jericho.
Cecil and Jericho both had a pride, comprised of six lionesses and several young cubs, situated in the park.
With the death of Cecil, the future of the cubs are now thought to be at risk. The cubs could be killed if the pride is taken over by another male lion."
And here is Jolly Walt the Heap Big Hunter's office phone number, where you can call and voice your outrage and displeasure: (952)884-5361, as I certainly will.
And, finally, here is a photo of the carnage (Imbecile Walter is on the left of the other grinning imbecile):
I do NOT jest when I say that I wish Jolly Walt the Heap Big Hunter THE WORST kind of death. Cancer would be TOO GOOD for him. And may Cecil get to devour Idiot Walter's entrails unto eternity! FUCK YOU WALT!
With hatred, spite, and malice,
Jolly SB & Cecil (who I sincerely wish had eaten you, Walt, you asshole)
Evilness. Pure and simple.
Agreed. Now Palmer knows how it feels to be hunted. When they find him, I hope they finish him off. Poetic justice.
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