Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shit SB Says to Her Darling Friend and Idol, Ms. Moon

The magnolias on the stairwell look swell! You are giving fucking Martha Stewart a run for her money, sister. I hate that bitch.


Ms. Moon said...

Well, Martha learned to crochet ponchos in prison. That's something I hope never to do. Along with 99% of the stuff she does.

Anonymous said...

It took me a long time to realize Martha was a somewhat real person. Without a TV(& that is the way I like it), I'd thought she was a soap opera character until she was jailed. ~Mary

Alison Cross said...

oh yeah - I forgot that she went to jail.

That must put a bit of a crimp in one's social calendar, I would think.

Ali x

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Me too! Love you.

Ms. Moon,
As usual, we are on the same page.

I hear you, babe.

I heard she taught the other inmates how to craft. Jesus.

Melly Mel,
A resounding YES!

Love to all,


Parabolic Muse said...

Don't tell ME I can't go back to November and comment on 47 posts I've missed.

I love Martha Stewart. Like I love a little girl who has major issues.