Friday, September 2, 2011

Alabama Coach, Nick Saban, On the Kent State Shootings

Nick was a freshman at Kent State when the God-awful shootings took place over 40 years ago. You can't be from Ohio (or the surrounding area) and not carry the memory of the shootings with you.
I'd never seen anybody shot before. Even though I didn't see them shot, I saw them after they were shot. It's a horrible thing.There's not a May 4 that goes by that I don't think about it -- really think about it. Forty years seems like a long time. But it doesn't seem that long to me.

Coach Saban and his championship Alabama team will be meeting his old alma-mater in Alabama's first regular season game this weekend.



Big Mark 243 said...

I think there are certain things that can happen in a life that leaves an imprint like no other... and very few of them tend to be of happy memories... not because happiness is rare, but the feeling associated with happiness is not...

...these darker, foreboding moments where the dread creeps up your spine and the shadow blots out the light... those are almost always different to each person who lived through them and there is a dark corner of their life where no light reaches in all the days of their lives...

Ms. Moon said...

After all of these years, the images are still in my head from that day, just from the ones in papers and magazines. That was when we all knew that this country was at war with itself and forced people to take sides that could never truly be crossed again.

Lori said...

Didnt' Crosby Stills, Nash and Young write a song regarding the shootings? The sad part is that even though this took part 40 years ago, it doesn't seem like society has changed that much in all that time. Love you SB...

Syd said...

I remember it, although I was a teenager at the time. The whole world was crazy then and still is. Not much has changed, has it?