Tuesday, June 30, 2009

American Faces: Dear Paul Newman

Because he was from Ohio.
Because he was very nearly a goddamn Saint.
Because his kids loved him and were proud of him.
Because no one had anything bad to say about him.
Because of the milions of dollars that his company donated to charity, while making all-natural, healthful products.
Because he was a long-time vegetarian.
Because I've seen Cool Hand Luke so many damn times, I have the lines memorized.
Because he funded camps for kids with cancer and was still humble enough to cut the grass at the camp.
Because he had a solid and loving long-time marriage and adored his wife, who he loved to say ruled their roost.
Because he had one of my all-time favorite faces and was as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside.
And finally, because he is Sarcastic Bastard's Most Admired Actor poll winner, beating out such stiff competition as Clint Eastwood and Johnny Depp.
He sure as hell had my vote.


Syd said...

He was good. Not many like him anymore.

Ms. Moon said...

What a beauty he was.

NH said...

why can't all men be Paul Newman? Would that be like x-mas everyday? You just wouldn't appreciate him as much??

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I think you are right, my dear. We wouldn't appreciate him as much. He was a doll.

Love to you,


Lou said...

I voted for him over on the right.

Lou said...

WTF--voting is over??

Story of my life;(

Lady Lemon said...

Ah, the Newmanater.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

You make me fucking laugh. I loves ya!