Friday, June 12, 2009

THANK GOD It's Friday, Motherfuckers!

It's been a strange day, people. My ass put together a features list for one of our software packages here at worky and sent it off for review, only to discover I'd used the wrong master list to compose the motherfucker from. Nothing like doing a dull job twice!

When I went home for luncheon, my lovely new housewarming gift to myself (a beautiful red Gerber daisy in a pot) was spilled all over my new carpet. Thank you Diarrhetic Wunderkind for getting excited at the noisy motherfuckers next door and knocking the damn pot off the windowsill. I think the fucking daisy will survive, but it's not too pretty a damn sight right now. Fucking canine!

Also at lunch, Mercer threw up all over my bathroom floor. At least it was on the tile, but still. It's that sort of damn day, peeps.

I sent out a news announcement for work after lunch, and the font size was nearly microscopic, due to software incompatibility. I asked our lead sales guy how bad the customers wanted the information. Motherfuckers are going to have to work for that shit right there!

Going home in about a half hour to drink myself into a stupor and to paint a bookshelf. Damn shelf is supposed to be white. That shit might wind up psychedelic with some glitter sprinkled on it for that special SB touch! LOOK OUT. And no-- sorry--I am not going into the retail furniture business. I know all you motherfuckers would like to buy a work of art/piece of GENUINE decor from SB, but I already gots my ass a job and a puking disdainful cat and a diarrhetic motherfucking canine who knocks over plants. I am not taking furniture orders anytime soon.

Catch you on the flip side, puppies! Have a glittery weekend.


Ms. Moon said...

You have inspired me to wear glittery eyeshadow when I go out tonight. Hopefully though, no puking or diarrhea will be involved.
One never knows, though.

afk4life said...

Hehe sounds like a fun day. You have a great weekend as well and try to get more paint on the shelf than yourself and the floor :/

Aunt Becky said...

Hope your weekend is rad.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Ms. Moon,
I am thrilled I inspired ANYONE, but especially YOU!



Sarcastic Bastard said...

The grub sounds wonderful! That there is some REAL GOURMET SHIT.



Lady Lemon said...

Disdainful, puking cat. I have one of those too.

I love the idea of a glittery bookshelf. I may have to steal that idea.