Yeah, REAL manly. A poncho. Scoff. And BROWN no less. A used car guy once told my parents that they have trouble unloading brown and tan cars because they aren't sexy. Great color choice there, numb nuts.
Doesn't the wool make this guy's pecker itch? My vag itches just thinking about it.
[Comments about my vag are unwelcome.]
Are you sure this is a fetishist and not just a wool Jaba the Hutt costume or a present from Granny that got out of hand?
I'm sure he would love to scratch your vag for you.
I REPEAT: There will be NO talking about my vag.
I hear your vag interrupted Taylor Swift at the VMAs.
This is too scratchlicious to leave alone...
Can we talk about Oprah's vag? Or, as she calls it, her va-jay-jay?
We can talk about whatever you want, love. It's a free blog. Thanks for reading.
I must say Oprah annoys the piss out of me though. My Mom is addicted to that shit. She begins nearly every sentence with, "Oprah says. . . ."
I was on the Oprah show once, in the 90s.
And I have the tape to prove it.
DTG - THIS I must hear more about!
So on the O Sho, DID she talk about HER vajayjay?
Do not believe my mother. The tape does not exist. But it's true, and kind of difficult to explain now that I think about it. Drop me an email if you want to know the story. (Ditto SB.)
drunkonpabst at gmail dot com.
Me too. Spill DTG!
Frankly, I don't even want to THINK about Oprah's vajayjay. The mental picture makes me wish for damn brain bleach.
No, she talked abut her high heels and her movie career.
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