Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Scientology Nativity

Here at Sarcastic Bastard, our asses believe in freedom of religion (unlike those ill-educated morons on the religious right). In that spirit, and the spirit of Grandma Weedge, SB brings you a Scientology Nativity.

[The chicks who worked in Robert Palmer's band had to do something for employment after he died. A ho has to pay the rent! If I teach you motherfuckers nothing else, let it be that.]


Ms. Moon said...

But this one scares me.

That Hank said...

That is scarier than the wool fetishists.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Yes sir.

Kathleen Scott said...

Omigod that's funny. Reminds me of teletubbies except skinny. Is it really Scientology? And yes, you can tell me I'm lame for asking since you've already said it is. I'm just having a hard time believing that people would put a science-fiction synchronized swimming team on a front lawn and label it religion.

michelle said...

Ho? I thought those blue ribbons signified virginity...

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Just a joke. Not sure what the fuck this display was supposed to signify.

Love, SB.

Anonymous said...

No, I want them! Are they Thetans? Or Hubbards?SCARY COOL is what they are! The rest of you just don't know how great those.....things would look just inside The Calmpound gate.

Wool itches and is not humorous. It's serious.
These guys are not serious. They are humorous.

And so is SB!

Kathleen Scott said...

Alien takeover.

The Dish said...

That frightens me more than the fig leaf, nudist one.