Friday, December 11, 2009

Taking the Renaissance Fair Shit Too Far


The Dish said...

Baby chain mail. Who knew?

ashtree said...

Wow. I've never seen a baby wearing mail and I could go the rest of my life without seeing it again. Weirdos.

mrs.missalaineus said...

at least the knitwear fetish people have something that is practical and can be worn to help reduce their global footprints...


Bethany said...

Yeah huh? Sheesh.
Thanks for making me laugh.

PS My boss at work noticed today that I SWORE recently on my blog (oh my). I wanted to say, oh if you only knew my new friend SB. You are a bad influence girly!

Glimmer said...

That made baby Jesus cry.

Petit fleur said...

Oh my. Oh my my my my my...

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I've been a bad influence on many in this lifetime. I know that's hard to believe.
