Friday, February 13, 2009

Stalker Ed: Diary of a Desperate Dumb Ass

Today's journal excerpt from Stalker Ed's dumb ass below. Ironically, SB has been stalking Ed today, looking for a new post! Little does his ass know.

[Begin journal excerpt]

I'm still working on how to attach Elizabeth's new picture to my bike fender so that I can expose it when I ride and cover it at work. I thought I might find a small pocket photo. I didn't find one at the photo shop yesterday, when I picked up the picture that I had copied.

I'd then attach the pic at the corners to the fender with velcro tabs and simply flip it back and forth. I left the office supply store with only a small paper cutter. We have a laminator at work, but I don't know how to use it. Besides, my conscience isn't likely to let me use company equipment for my own pleasure, especially given that the pleasure is illicit. If it were seen, it would once again be a violation of trust.

Of course, despite my efforts at discretion, someone could still flip the picture over and leave it exposed, and then move my bike, as they did before, so that everyone could get a gander. But that would be to assume that anyone at work still reads this journal. The more accurate assumption might be that they think I have stopped keeping the journal. Ah, but the arrogance of the mob is no match for the righteousness of the individual!

[End journal excerpt]

Obviously, Ed's dumb ass thinks that he is above everyone and all lofty and shit and really erudite. THIS SHIT IS AN ACTUAL EXCEPT FROM A REAL MOTHERFUCKER'S JOURNAL! SB REPEATS: THIS SHIT IS FOR REAL MOTHERFUCKERS! You might work with Ed's dumb ass. He might even SIT IN THE CUBE NEXT TO YOU! You might live next to Ed's stalker ass! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE, PEOPLE! If SB doesn't teach you anything else, let it be this.

p.s And fuck you in advance if you check dumb as fuck on this post! I know it's you W.!

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