Monday, December 7, 2009

It's Snowing in Buttfuck!

We had our first dusting of light snow last night here in Buttfuck, Ohio. Yipee!

Yes, I am being a Sarcastic Bastard. Go figure.


Chic Mama said...

Either love it or hate. I'm guessing you hate it. :0(
Here, it has rained non stop for weeks, at the moment I would prefer snow. I'm sick of having the lights on all day because it's so grey and dark.
There is an award for you at mine....forgot to tell you. x

Mel said...

We woke up to a couple of inches here north of Normal too. My first thought was ugh, my second, OK, it's kinda pretty. Just wish I didn't have to actually go out and drive in it. Ugh.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Chic Mama,
Thanks so much. I will pop over there shortly.

Sorry about the dark weather. I hate that shit too. It makes me depressed.

Love, SB.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

That's how I feel. Wish I could stay home with the cats.

Love, SB.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Ms. Moon,

So sez I.

Love, SB.

The Dish said...

First real snow here too. I hate this shit and would either like to climb in a hole and not come out until April or move back to Texas. Alas, there is The Husband in school, a dog to walk, a job to hate...