Thursday, December 3, 2009

More Shit SB Says in an E-mail to Family

Also, I think women are A LOT less hung up on the looks thing than men. Don't you?

I told my Aunt Bev the other night that I am interested in going even older than Mr. SB (he is 6 years older than me). I wouldn't mind a smart pepaw, whose kids are all raised and gone, and who doesn't want to hump every damn day. I'm a depressed person. I don't even want to think about humping some days. I'm just trying to get from Point A (getting out of bed to get ready for work) to Point B (getting back in bed at night). I don't have the time or energy for a lot of damn hunching.


The Dish said...

I hear ya. Don't know if age has all that much to do with a man's sex drive. Will let you know in a few years...

Ms. Moon said...

Well. There may be a point where X equals Y. I don't know. But I'm saying there may be.

michelle said...

Tell me about it... sometimes I just want old and tired.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Ms. Moon,
Here's hoping!

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Me too, woman. Me damn too.

Love you tons,


Petit fleur said...

Remember, at our age, slightly younger can also be an advantage. They are easier to bend to your will... I like my will being done! heehee!

Happy hunting SB.

Sweden said...

i have this older friend (47 i think??) arthur he is REALLY handsome,he has no kids, if u lived here i would set ya up (i even considered going for him myself, but then i party too much and he dont so thats a no and he is not really my type anyway (like JA)