Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Nativity in the Spirit of Weedge

Clearly, the child who put together the above Nativity shared a sense of proportion with my Grandma Peg, who was for some goddamn reason, nicknamed Weedge. All this poor kid needed was a goddamn Maglite to shine on the infant Jesus and they would have been all set.

Also, let's hope the ENORMOUS fucking bird doesn't decide to attack the tiny defenseless Holy Family. Quick, somebody throw that motherfucker some birdseed!


Ms. Moon said...

I sort of love this. I have no idea why. But because I feel so safe here, I will admit that as a child, I used to make my own nativity scenes with Barbie Dolls. So there you go. If I had had a giant bird, I would have put that in there.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Ms. Moon,
My ass would have worshipped at that Nativity. I had 63 Barbies at one point. I love them!

I never could figure out Ken though. That sucker did not like girls. He might have liked to dress them, but he did NOT want to date them.


Ms. Moon said...

My mother wouldn't let me have a Ken doll. So Joseph was a trans. What can I say?

Sarcastic Bastard said...


Kathleen Scott said...

It's charming. I think the kid is on the right track, celebrate what you like.

The bird looks dove-ish. Seedeaters, not people-eaters. Now if she'd used a vulture....

P.S. 63???!!!

Syd said...

I like it too. The bird adds a nice touch.