The Famewhore Squirrel Welcomes Motherfuckers to Sarcastic Bastard. It's not easy being THE SPOKESWHORE OF AMERICA, but sometimes a bitch has got to sacrifice!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Because the Media is So Quick to Say Shitty Stuff About Sean Penn
Why don't the fuckers (like Bill O'Reilly and the assholes at FOX News) broadcast more about Sean's humanitarian work, if they're so fair and balanced?
My personal message to Bill O'Reilly? Suck it, motherfucker.
I cannot watch Fox news. Unfortunately my father in law is glued to it. So when we are over there, I ask if we can watch the Weather Channel or a movie. It helps to divert him from Fox.
I think they pick on him because he LOOKS like a nasty guy. I have an aversion to him because of the first part I saw him in which I don't even remember where he was just evil - but I tend not to like his facial "type" in general anyway. I'm probably not alone.
I do think better of him than I did at one time - and the recent good press he's got doesn't hurt him either. I don't watch any of the douchebag talk crap shows. All of them are polarized and slam the slightest thing they disagree with even if it's bullshit they use. It's not fact or news - it's them wanting to manipulate the public and I really despise when people try to manipulate me.
I am a Gen-X, lazy, manic-depressive bastard, with an eating disorder, OCD, and a propensity for alcoholism. I am basically hell to live with, but I enjoy red wine, Ritalin, reality TV, and disdainful cats. This description could also be useful as a personal ad for a dating service.
The part about Robin being a ghost to him now was sort of weird, though.
I cannot watch Fox news. Unfortunately my father in law is glued to it. So when we are over there, I ask if we can watch the Weather Channel or a movie. It helps to divert him from Fox.
I think they pick on him because he LOOKS like a nasty guy. I have an aversion to him because of the first part I saw him in which I don't even remember where he was just evil - but I tend not to like his facial "type" in general anyway. I'm probably not alone.
I do think better of him than I did at one time - and the recent good press he's got doesn't hurt him either. I don't watch any of the douchebag talk crap shows. All of them are polarized and slam the slightest thing they disagree with even if it's bullshit they use. It's not fact or news - it's them wanting to manipulate the public and I really despise when people try to manipulate me.
Ms. Moon,
Yes, it seemed a little hurtful to me, but that's their business, I guess.
Love you!
Welcome! Thanks for joining us. Yeah, FOX News is the suck. Laugh.
My ex-father and mother-in-law were the same way. They also enjoyed the Weather Channel. Ugh.
I adore him and even think he's cute. It's the smile. He and Robert Downey are my favorite actors. I always see their films.
Love you lots,
You really think Sean Penn is cute? huh. Now Robert Downey - he's adorable.
Yep. I think he's adorable when he smiles.
Yeah, I gotta say he's lovely.
Talk about going rogue~ I love that guy! He's one of kind.
Thanks for sharing the link.
xo pf
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