Thursday, December 17, 2009

Shit SB Says

Why is it always more fun to love the unwilling?


Kathleen Scott said...


Ms. Moon said...

Because we know we won't have to commit?

The Dish said...

It's the challenge...

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Because they struggle when we try to grab on to them. Think about grabbing the boys in Kindergarten.

white rabbit said...

It's the thrill of the chase. Mind you, if they're still unwilling at the end of it, that's a bore...

Erin said...

Because it's a challenge.

Syd said...

I have been searching for that answer a long time.

Maggie May said...

it's not. i promise. double pinky swear.

Petit fleur said...

Aaaaah, ancient Chineese secret.

Lori said...

We all love a good challenge, and we all want what we can't have. Human nature maybe?

May said...

I like Mama's answer. If we love the unwilling, and then get tired of their unwilling asses, we can just say, "Meh, they shouldn'ta been so damn unwilling." and kick them to the curb. Oh wait, maybe that's not what she meant. Maybe I am just mean.