Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Unfortunate Timing


white rabbit said...

I can think of a number of explanations...

None of them are nice.

wv: umboat

Anonymous said...

SB - I'm a friend of Mary Moon's and have started to look forward to reading your blog. You're funny as shit and if I wasn't in love with a number of women (including, most particularly, Ms. Moon), I'd probably fall in love with you. Meanwhile, I'll just keep readin'. Thanks!

Steph(anie) said...


Great find.

Mel said...

You mean the guy scratching his junk, not the marriage, right?

Sarcastic Bastard said...

If you are a friend of Ms. Moon's, then you are a friend of mine. Mary is my idol. Don't I have good taste?

Thanks for your words. Please come back and join us here often. We have a damn good time.

Best regards,


p.s. We are all in love with Ms. Moon. Get in line, my friend.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Yeah. The junk scratcher.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I love you. You know I do.


Kathleen Scott said...

Thanks for the morning chuckle!

Reminds me of why I don't watch baseball. Also the scratching and spitting.

Thanks for your comment at Hill Country Mysteries.

I've been lurking your blog for some time, enjoying the outrageousness. It feels a little like eating ice cream from the carton at midnight.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Thank you, dear Kathleen. My sister-in-law called my blog a car accident that you can't look away from. Probably an apt description. Your description is much kinder.

Love, SB.

The Dish said...

Maybe he should Have gotten that taken care of BEFORE his wedding day. Just sayin'.

Wildernesschic said...

That is so funny and he looks a big boy too :0

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Good observation, Wildernesschic. If you lived over here, we'd hang out, girl.

Love you,


Gledwood said...


Ms. Moon said...

Hey man. When it needs adjusting, you just have to adjust. Right?

Petit fleur said...

Ah.... very unfortunate! But funny!

Syd said...

Adjustments can happen anywhere.