And may I just say if Bas can get fat, then NO ONE is immune to fighting the chunk. That fucker was a total fucking
string bean when he was younger, and now he wears a shirt that says:
Property of Celebrity Fat Club (Chub?).It happens, motherfuckers--the middle-age spread. It happens. Even to the gods of rock.
So true SB.
So damn true.
Everyone except Mick, lol...not an ounce of fat on that pretty boy. Yeah, Sebastian is do-able, spread and all. We all need something to hold onto these days, might as well be some jelly roll. I never did like really skinny men..EXCEPT MICK..
Oh HELL YES. That dude is still hot. I don't care if he's chunky!
You and me both, babe.
Love you.
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