The Famewhore Squirrel Welcomes Motherfuckers to Sarcastic Bastard. It's not easy being THE SPOKESWHORE OF AMERICA, but sometimes a bitch has got to sacrifice!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
This Shit Made Me Laugh
We are better than anyone, ain't we? Except for the Eagles, the Eagles are better than us.
--Sid Viscious
[Uhhhhmmmm, does this mean The Sex Pistols were better than The Beatles? Cough. Just asking.]
I am a Gen-X, lazy, manic-depressive bastard, with an eating disorder, OCD, and a propensity for alcoholism. I am basically hell to live with, but I enjoy red wine, Ritalin, reality TV, and disdainful cats. This description could also be useful as a personal ad for a dating service.
It's early in the morning here, so I'm just checking... he's being sarcastic about the Eagles, right?
Who knows with Syd. He could be entirely serious. That was the great thing about him. That, and the hotdog/mustard photo.
Uuuuuhhh... Cough. I think the Beatles win everything ever. Except the whole murder, accidental suicide corner. Sid can have that.
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