Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SB adores Hugh Grant. Motherfucker has his priorities straight.

Hugh and I are similar [shallow lazy party] animals. Evidently, he was in talks to replace Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men, but backed out at the last minute. It is said that he decided that a TV series would be too much work. Laugh. I understand they offered him a million dollars per episode. I don't blame him a goddamn bit. But I have to say, Hugh would have been perfect for the show. I would have even started watching the series regularly, and I almost NEVER watch any network television.


~Amber Elise~ said...

Yep, I like those priorities.

Jeannie said...

Hugh Grant has so much more class than Charlie Sheen. He would not only have been good - he'd have been so much better. But the guy's already a multimillionaire and doesn't need to work any more I'm sure - lazy sounds like his perfect right - give someone else a chance to make a fortune.

Ms. Moon said...

They would still have had the annoying brother and nephew on the show. Even Hugh couldn't make that all better.

Unknown said...

They would have to pay me a million bucks per episode to make me watch that crap, no matter who was in it.

I'll bet Hugh Grant is a funny bastard though.

Sarah xxx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Ditto. Love Hugh too. He would have been great!! xx

Big Mark 243 said...

I think that if he had taken the role he would have given the show another ten years! I love Hugh Grant!! I just hope he doesn't go squirelly like Moz did in the mid-90's (something U and I have in common) and start preaching about the National Front and other racist mumbo jumbo...

Syd said...

He looks to be having a good time with 5 1/2 women.