Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Quote of the Damn Day: Robert Downey Jr.

Where I come from, this is called entrepreneurial.
Jewish Campaign Donors, Get Your Shit Together! Bachmann Is NOT a Jew.
Cheney Ought to be Tried as a Criminal. Period.
STOP treating women like children, you stupid fucks.
The gall of this. If I were the Lauren family, I'd snub the Bush family.
Of course the federal government failed to make the link. They don't want to pay out. How shameful!
Many first responders and local politicians were furious with last month's findings by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health that failed to make a link between cancer and exposure to Ground Zero toxins.
That report, overseen by 9/11 health czar Dr. John Howard, has been cited in a decision announced yesterday not to include cancer among the medical issues that will be covered under the $4.3 billion James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
You're Too Old When. . . .
Having a BAD Morning
And clearly I am an American, in the fact that I find this situation a TOTAL misery.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Fuck You, Irene!
I Just Like the Damn Photo, Okay? Who Wouldn't?

I don't mind that I'm fat. You still get the same money.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Shit SB Says in Comments to Her Dear Friend, Jeannie
Besides, if there are aliens, my luck they'd come to Earth to eat our brains or some shit. No thanks!
Yes, I have a heart people. I do. But don't tell anyone OR ELSE.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I was saddened to read that Frank Bender died.
Top Ten Most Annoying Facebook Types by Anonymous
This fucking cracked me up.
1. The Routiner: Having morning coffee and going to sleep seem to be his only activities. May share about doing laundry to mix it up a bit, but that’s about it.
2. The New Ager: Every post is an uplifting quote from Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra or any number of self-help gurus. Secretly imagines himself the next Oprah.
3. The Old Movie Queen: If “All About Eve” is on, watch out. Quote is invariably: “Life is a banquet and most suckers are starving to death!” from Auntie Mame.
4. The Pity Partier: His oblique updates hint at suicidal depression. Is not happy unless someone comments: “Are you okay? LOVE YOU!!!”
5. The Reassurer: Considers it her life’s work to shore you up. Signs everything “You’re a star, darling” or “Keep being you!” (Best Friend of Pity Partier)
6. Mr. Relapse: Always starting over. Thinks counting his days publically is helpful. Disappears for days and then airs way too much information.
7. The Midwestern Mom: Keeps you informed of every dance competition her daughter is entered in. Overly earnest. Exclamation mark dependent.
8. The Political Junkie: Sure that if he doesn’t post every article he reads, you won’t possibly know about it. Either very angry with Obama or hypersensitive about him.
9. The Christian Patriot: Constantly asserting the brave and lonely stance of loving her country and Jesus, and dares you to assert the same. Also hates cancer.
10. The Cruiser: Thinks Facebook is a gay sex site designed to friend as many hot men as possible and publically lust after them. Endlessly pokes. Potential stalker.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
He Was a Gentleman and a Scholar
Quote of the Damn Day: Paul Newman