Since it is warm here in Buttfuck-fucking-Ohio, I slept with the window over my bed, open, last night. I customarily drag my fat ass out of bed slightly before seven in the a.m. But this fuckingmorning, my ass was awakened by a strange sound that I, at first, thought might be a damn car alarm. Then, I,
HATER OF CELL PHONES, realized that it was some sort of phone alarm.
Fucker proceeded to go off about every 10 minutes, so there was NO WAY IN HELL my ass was going to be able to go back to fucking Dreamland. After awhile, the tone on the cocksucker switched to a different, but equally LOUD, tone and then finally to screaming MONSTER TRUCK! (I shit you not) in an annoying electronic voice.
At this point, my highly grouchy and annoyed fat ass proceeded downstairs, and on the front porch underneath my bedroom window, is a pair of dirty-as-fuck jeans, and I figure out that the sound is coming from the offensive jeans. I momentarily considering retrieving the phone from the pocket of the pants and smashing shit out of it with a hammer, but since the jeans looked like somebody had maybe taken a crap in them, I decided fairly prudently, I think, NOT to.
Later in the morning, as I am getting ready to leave for work, I notice that the pants are gone and that the kids are sitting on the front step, waiting for the school bus.
As I'm walking to my car, I ask the kids if somebody had a phone with an alarm on the front porch last night. I told them that it had awakened me at 5:30. The little girl said: Mom played sand volleyball last night and took her pants off on the front porch and must have left her cell phone in the pocket.
At this point, SB thinks several things. 1) I think that I don't even want to IMAGINE the cunt next door's fat ass taking her jeans off on the front porch. SWEET JESUS. 2) I wonder WHY IN HELL the dumb fat bitch has her alarm set for 5:30 a.m., when her ass is jobless and on the welfare. 3) I decide firmly that if it happens again, said cell phone is going to get thrown in the street. I'm damn serious. We have a lot of passing dump trucks early in the morning on our street. I may even sit on the curb with a coffee and wait for the destruction to ensue. It would be symbolic for what I'd like to do to the cunt next door.