The Famewhore Squirrel Welcomes Motherfuckers to Sarcastic Bastard. It's not easy being THE SPOKESWHORE OF AMERICA, but sometimes a bitch has got to sacrifice!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Guess Who the Nerd Is?
Jesus H. I think I just lost all attraction to him. This photo is now FOREVER burned into my brain. I guess we could still be friends, because we have politically similar views.
I am a Gen-X, lazy, manic-depressive bastard, with an eating disorder, OCD, and a propensity for alcoholism. I am basically hell to live with, but I enjoy red wine, Ritalin, reality TV, and disdainful cats. This description could also be useful as a personal ad for a dating service.
good grief :)
Hi, Fishy. I've seen you all over other blogs I read and feel like we're friends already.
I keep meaning to check out your blog. Perhaps today's the day.
Thanks for visiting and for commenting. I do hope you'll come back.
I'd still hit it.
Gah! and the truly horrifying thing is that my 4th grade school photo is very similar. And I'm a chick.
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