Thursday, May 28, 2009

Quote of the Damn Day

If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.

--Harvey Milk (SB's hero)


Anonymous said...

Go Harvey! I think he deserves a federal Holiday fer sure.

afk4life said...

Awesome guy, awesome movie also, sad how little progress really has happened in 30 yrs.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I agree Malchik! But we can't even get an official national holiday for Martin Luther King Jr.

If he were white, it would be a national holiday, trust me.



Sarcastic Bastard said...

Poor you, Findon. Very sorry to hear this moronic form of American Christianity is invading the mother country, too. I understand your being really mad, believe me. Imagine having to face the fact that a lot of people in other countries think these fucking midguided Christians speak for all Americans. If you want to be REALLY mad, have President George W. Bush represent you in the world. I hate him with a passion, and I had to suffer under his moronic tenure for eight damn years. I really resented paying my taxes those years, let me tell you!

I was also very embarrassed to be an American.



Sarcastic Bastard said...

Thanks for reading and commenting. Please join us often. I really liked your site a lot.

I agree. I am sickened by the lack of progress. I am tired of waiting for people to do the right thing.

Best regards,


Alec Beattie said...

I was talking about this with some students today - aged 17-21 - and a scary number think same-sex couples shouldn't be allowed to marry etc. One thought gays were 'treatable' and another thought it was 'evil' to be gay.
Loud and violent argument ensued, particularly the bit in the bible about 'a man should not lie with another man.'
I'm still pissed off and angry that young people still retain such bollocked-up ideas.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Me too!

Thanks for reading and commenting, as always.



Anonymous said...

Sb, I totally agree, if he were a white man it would be. I don't know if you've ever checked out my blog, but I wrote something this afternoon that I believe you will appreciate. I'm sort of fishing to see what you think really. You sort of inspired it. the Spiritual experience in your backyard came to mind before I wrote it. Thanks , sorry I hijakked your comments ranting, lol
@Alec, it's the difference in the old and new testaments if you should manage to get through to their young minds. The new testament actually has quite a bit of supporting evidence, (supposedly, not sure what book or chp vs). If they're so bloody self righteous you should point out the rest of that part of Leviticus has VERY strict rules regarding all sorts of things they themselves undoubtedly are guilty of, so if they want to throw anyone into the pit,they'll be joining them most likely, things like makeup, men with short hair that sort of thing and more.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I'll check out your blog, Malchik. Apologies for not doing so sooner.

Love to you,


Anonymous said...

No worries, really you just inspired it is all, I think you're brill and Nick's given me a little bit of tips so I'm just anxious is all, would help if I got some sleep, goin on 30 hours atm, don't know why I'm being maniac. but I am

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I hope you got some rest, Malchik. Sometimes I go through periods of mania, too, but overall, I am depressive.

Much love to you and thanks for your compliments,


Sarcastic Bastard said...

Your views are one of the things I love about you, Ms. Moon. We agree on most things.

Much love. Thanks for reading!