Thursday, May 7, 2009

I Just Ate an Entire Package of Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies

SB has food issues, people. I am having sort of a crappy, depressing day (my life is like Groundhog Day--same thing over and OVER again/the weather is dark and threatening rain AGAIN today/Mr. SB and I are not getting along AT ALL), so I JUST ATE AN ENTIRE PACKAGE OF MILANO COOKIES all by myself. They were great! This amounts to roughly 900 calories in one fucking sitting, peeps. I will NEVER be thin again.

Do I feel better? Hell to the no! Actually, I feel like I could fucking hurl.

But when's dinner?


Mark said...

I don't think the point of eating a bag of cookies is to feel better, just to feel less, right? The food isn't the issue, it's the feelings.

Syd said...

Those Milanos are good though.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Maybe it's the feelings, but really the cookies just taste damn good going down, Mark.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I'm sorry but that's actually comforting. You know how they say misery loves company, ya know cause when I sit down to eat something like this, I do not play, hahaha!

Mad Love

Anonymous said...

Mmm... cookies...

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Thanks, Finny. I feel less alone now. Misery loves company!



Sarcastic Bastard said...


I do not play either, girlfriend. Huh-uh.



Changedit said...

Food just makes me guilty fullstop ... K xx