Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shit SB Says

It's a momentous day. Someone just changed the grease at Frisch's and my onion rings are golden. . . . sublime. When you're old, shit like that really makes your day.


Steph(anie) said...

No, when you're old, onion rings give you the shits.

Ms. Moon said...

I hope there was fresh ketchup to go with. Heinz, of course.

Jeannie said...

When I worked the grill, the first day of new grease, nothing browned - then you were ok for a few days then everything went brown without cooking and you knew it was time for new grease again.

Syd said...

Yum, changing the grease--hope that all the roaches got filtered out.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

You all have a great weekend over across the pond!

You are loved.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

You crack me up! xx