Friday, December 17, 2010

The Extraordinary Decency of President Jimmy Carter

The Moms donated some money to the Carter Center this past year, and she received a hand-signed Christmas card from President and Mrs. Carter. What an extraordinarily decent and upright thing to do.


Danny said...

Jimmy Carter was 'their' perfect actor along with Reagan (of course) and Clinton.

Kurt Cobain idolized Carter. Something to do with his hawking peanuts. He was that real-old down-home lookin-out-for-your-interests kinda guy archetype.

Reagan more of the same but with a little more Christian zeal (think Jimmy Stewart in Winchester 73) when squaring up to the reds in the old Soviet Union.

Clinton's your post-eastern-enemies president. when there were no enemies to issue post-skirmish reports about he looked inward and revealed ugly venal truths about himself and about you by extension.

then you had bush, the best president you ever had: that is if you judge your presidents are just simply middle men, snake oil salesmen, them that keep the mob distracted by means of rhetoric - and if you see the office of president as nothing more than this then you'll judge Obama as neither less nor more - bush as the greatest - the rest as traitors - and the others as the greatest shills that ever lived...but back to bush - at least he lead you with laughs to your oblivion - and do you really think Gore would've taken different decisions? after all his lobbyists are bush's when you trace the tree far enough. i'd've preferred Bush's Terry Soutern dialogue than Gore's cottage indusry one liners...

...Cos i believe that America'll fall in all our lifetimes. like give it five years before you see real honest to god rifles in the street insurrections!!!

and you'll have been lead a merry dance, tugged by rhyming slogans along a path to a USA demise...

But all is not lost. It could be done. In the final end you might win the war after losin’ every battle...

Ms. Moon said...

And he makes me proud to be a southerner.

Ms. Moon said...

P.S. Yay for the Moms!

Syd said...

He is a very good fellow, always has been.

Tatyanna (and Dorian too) said...

oh and btw, hi, happy holidays to you and your felines!!!! dori and i have been away due to severe migraine issues (mine, not his). but hopefully we are back in action now and will be catching up on all and sundry of our favorite blogs :)

Anonymous said...

I'm one of those people(sorry, opps ;0) who has voted Republican quite often, but I LOVE Carter.

Sandra Moreano said...

He will be remembered as just that. He has changed the way we give in this country. My moms always been a fan as well.

Denny Coates said...

Extraordinary decency seems to be what his life is all about.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

And seasons greetings back to you and your Beautiful. You are loved.

I think I could have used about a pot of coffee before I could begin to process your comment. Laugh.

Ms. Moon,
As well you should be. I'm more proud of my southern heritage (my Grandma Peg's family) than the damn yankee part.

Yes, he is.

So glad you are back. Happy holidays to you and Dori! Sorry to hear of the troublesome migraines. That really sucks. Wishing you a migraine-free new year!

You have great taste to love him.

Yes, he certainly has changed the way we give. Great to hear from you!

He really does put his money where his mouth is, doesn't he?

Love to all,


Mj Rains said...

And he believes there will be a gay pres in our future! Wow!

Gledwood said...

Do you knwo that's my first overseas political memory ~ Jimmy Carter getting chucked out in favour of Ronald Reagan!... When was that? 1979?

My very first political memory was of Margaret Thatcher becoming prime minister in a landslide victory where loads of MPs lost their seats. Being 7 years old all I could think was how terrible it would be to lose your seat...

I'm not sure which event happened first, but I think it was Margaret Thatcher... wasn't Ronald Reagan 1980..? I've no idea!

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I hope so.

I think it was 1980 for Reagan. I despised Thatcher. She was a man in a dress basically.

Parabolic Muse said...

You know, SB, I love your goodies. Here's the deal: even though I'm a heathen and a crabass, I love me the Carters.