I don't know about you all, but I'd buy this shit for 25 cents at a garage sale just to figure out what the fuck was going on here.
Call me curious! [Actually, I'd try and bargain a bitch down to 10 cents for this shit and only go up to a quarter if I HAD to.]
Is that a record? If so, I'll trade you my Swedish folk song music with accordion accompaniment record for it. and yes, I actually own said record...they were three for a buck at the Salvation Army and it was in BRAND NEW condition for some reason...
Call me curious too.
I'd read it and I agree about getting the price to 10 cents.
The guy at the smoke shop took 50 cents off a package of cigarettes for me today after a tiny bit of haggling.
Good night & sweet dreams,
I can picture this guy with a fuzzy wig and a dress. Not a pretty picture!
I have a feeling I know what he'd do if he were a woman. It would involve wearing an apron and being sumbmissive.
Mr. M.,
I would have bought that shit too! Laugh.
The guy in the silk tafetta dress,
Clearly, you had a damn good day. Cheaper smokes = GOOD.
No, but to each his own, right?
Ms. Moon,
Good guess!
If I were a woman I'd play with my clitoris a lot. But I bet that's not what he's saying..
White Rabbit,
That made me laugh. Hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for reading me.
That was FUN-NAY!
Well, I love it that the guy actually has this on his mind. He probably thinks a LOT about being a woman.
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