Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Fucking Christmas, Motherfuckers!

After today, SB's ass is off work until January 3rd. This is the BEST GIFT OF ALL. I am likely taking my laptop home, but probably won't be on the fucker much. Instead, my ass will be mostly drunk and reeking of stale cigarettes. These are a must when dealing with the fam-damily.

Anyhoo, Merry fucking Christmas, Happy damn Holidays, Festive Kwanzaa, or whatever floats your boat. To my blog family: I love your dumb asses. My life would be SO MUCH LESS without all of you in it. For once, I am NOT being sarcastic. It's not a trend, so don't worry.

Festive Wenscheslaus and Happy New Year to all (except Republicans)!



Syd said...

I like the Festive Wenscheslaus. Hope that you have a good few days off from work. Revel in doing nothing!

Denny Coates said...

K and I are heading for her sister's house for a family Christmas here in Texas. This works for me because her sister always keeps bottles of wine open. And I'm not hugging any sick babies.

You have a good one! Get in a good place and stay there.

Ms. Moon said...

Amen and here's a toast to you and your sarcastic mouth and your beloved ass!
I raise my coffee cup to you! I love you, Ms. Bastard-Beloved.
Don't forget it.

Mel said...

Right back at you, dearly beloved SB! Hope your hangovers are mild and your family squabbles minimal!

That Hank said...

Merry Christmas, sis! Booze it up! Wish you were here!

All This Trouble... said...

So, I've been wondering (and you'd think I would know based on the many years I spent in church and attending a private Christian school but...)is Christ Jesus' surname or is it his title? Regardless, I hope you lay it on thick for the holidays, SB! LOVE YOU TOO!

Michele R said...

My sentiments exactly about how after this afternoon my ass is off the clock too until 1/3. It has been the best gift waiting on the calendar and my kids are thrilled too. Enjoy!!!

the guy in the silk taffeta dress said...

Enjoy you holiday off work!
Wishing you the best for the New Year and always,

Omgrrrl said...

This Season of Darkness is almost over. I will try to remain drunk. And as I sneak around the corner of the house to get away from my insane extended family in the DAMN snow to have a cigarette, I will think of you. Love you like the F-word!

Jill said...

Same to you SB!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas ho ho ho!(as in the merry laughter ho ho and not the "woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money" ho)

lots of love

Spadoman said...

I visit Ms. Moon once in a while and saw your Sarcastic Bastard name in the comments. I've seen it before. I'm married to a sarcastic bastard. She's also the Queen of Insensitivity and a Cynical Bitch. Believe me, I say these things about my spousal unit with much love and respect! She's got some serious competition here. Of course, she's older than you and has been at it a long time. She and I also have three daughters, and I'd guess by reading about Daisy Duke, you are near the same age as them. Mine had a great teacher, where did you learn?
Anyway, I had some time, so I thought I'd stop by and see what the blog had to offer. You sold me when I read "(exept republicans)" in the What'sHisAss and New Years salutation.
Merry Christmas.


~Amber Elise~ said...

Enjoy this time off from work, what better gift is there? Oh and before I forget, thanks for the Merry fucking Christmas, the most honestly worded one I have received this season, and right back atcha!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Happy Christmas my dear friend. Have a fabulous break and do exactly what you want. Speak soon, Love Christina xx

Petit fleur said...

Merry Merry SB. I sure do love ya.
xo pf

La Cremiere said...

Getting drunk over the holidays - sounds about right to me! Enjoy

Disco Loves Company said...

Hey sexy thing! LOL!
Happy Holidays to you and a big thank you for all your kindness and support.

bels said...

uau! I like your blog! it's amazing!

visit my new blog

BMelonsLemonade said...

Sounds wonderful...and a lot like Christmas at my Dad's house. Their tradition is to start drinking Brany Alexanders at 7am, so opening the presents is a lot more fun. I spent Christmas with my mom this year, in the remote woods of the mountains...which was gorgeous. I must say, when I talked to my Dad at one, he was happy drunk and he said my sister and stepmom had gone to lay down a while. I felt quite a twinge of jealousy...for only a moment because my Christmas was perfect. I hope you are enjoying your vacation!
Much Love...T

Rena said...

the fact that you haven't posted in a while tells me you're having a good time. Fabulous

michelle said...

Happy fukin New Year SB

Love you bunches


Sarcastic Bastard said...

I appreciate all your comments and well wishes for the new year. You all know how much I adore my motherfuckers. I am playing catch up here at work today (after having been out for a damn week), so please forgive my lack of individual responses.

I am honored by your visit. Any friend of Ms. Moon's is a a friend of mine. Please come back often.
