Thursday, March 31, 2011
SB ADORES Ruby Gettinger!
How a Dame Should Look
Stupid Katie. Not Swedish Fish. Swedish DICKS.
Yes, I'm MEAN. We've established that. But this strikes me as funny.
A nice lady needs help.
Quote of the Damn Day: Morrissey

I can block out the present and the past now
I know by now you think I should have straightened myself out
Thank you, drop dead
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Quotes of the Damn Day: Andy Warhol

She's the Original (Whore) Alright

This is quite simply amazing. Kisha Curtis is an asshole. May she rot in hell.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Quote of the Damn Day: David Foster Wallace from Infinite Jest
Monday, March 28, 2011
This is why I read the English papers. The subtle understatement amuses me.
I'd like to shove that cell phone up your ass.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Eat Me, Bieber. Apology NOT Accepted, You Little Twat.
James Dean's Secret Shouldn't Have Been a Secret at All
Shit SB Says to Ms. Moon (Her Idol) in a Comment
Morrissey: It's Not Your Birthday Anymore
your voice it might say 'no'
but the heart has a heart of it's own
it's not your birthday anymore
there's no need to be kind to you
and the will to see you smile and belong has now gone
it's not your birthday anymore
did you really think we meant
all those syrupy, sentimental things
that we said?
It cannot be given
and so it must be taken
and so it must be taken
All the gifts that they gave can't
compare in any way to the love I am
now giving to you right here
all the gifts that they gave can't
compare in any way to the love I am
now giving to you right here
it's not your birthday anymore
there's no need to be kind to you
and the will to see you smile and belong has now gone
it's not your birthday anymore
did you really think we meant
all those syrupy, sentimental
things that we said yesterday?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Pray for PEARL!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Some Crackpot Shit My Dad Would Like to Look at While His Old Wrinkly Ass Is on the Toilet
I Just Like the Damn Photo, Okay?
I'm with Morrissey. The Chinese ARE a subspecies.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Shit SB Says to the Moms
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Quote of the Damn Day: Florrie Fisher. SURPRISE!
Florrie Is a Hot Mess, and I Dig Her!

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Elephantitus of the Nuts in Honor of Ms. Moon's Geography Teacher

Scared Monkeys
Thanks for Visiting, Jakarta!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I'm Just in Awe of the Damn Picture, Okay?

The Latest in an E-mail this Morning to My Idol, Ms. Moon
Friday, March 11, 2011
Whoever Reads Me from the Armed Forces, THANK YOU and Stay Safe
I'm still in love with Bill, too! And I'll fight that fat ass, Monica, for him. I'll give that bitch a BEAT DOWN!

More Puritanical American Bullshit that Makes the U.S. Look Like a Bunch of Goddamn Morons
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Quotes of the Damn Day: Shelby Foote
"If Americans were anything as superior as we claim to be, we would be paragons of virtue, and of course, we're not that. But we are superior in another sense. And our superiority comes from this diversity of the way we're made up. We can see a subject in a different way from the way a Frenchman or an Englishman or a German would see things because so many different points of view are combined in the one American mind. It gives us a view of things that's extremely valuable to the world as well as to ourselves."
"People want to know why the South is so interested in the Civil War. I had maybe, it's a rough guess, about fifty fistfights in my life. Out of those fifty fistfights, the ones that I had the most vivid memory of were the ones I lost. I think that's one reason why the South remembers the war more than the North does."
"There is something that is too often overlooked of a far serious nature than the usual business about drawls and accents and overalls. And that is we truly, having lost a war, know a tragedy that other Americans do not know or have not experienced. Certainly not until Vietnam. We know what it means to lose a war. But what we have gained from it is of more value than the people who won the war got from it. We got a true sense of tragedy, and I think that it counts in part for the dominance of Southern writers in the history of American literature, particularly in this century."
This Man Is Precious to Me.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Sometimes I look like this bitch after a rough night out.
I Don't Care if it's Popular or Not, I'm with Matt Damon
I'm Tired as Fuck of the Charlie Sheen Coverage
Old Doc Young
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Some Fashion Advice from SB
I Just Like the Damn Picture, Okay?

Shit SB Says
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
If I had to come to America for a long tour, I'd commit suicide too.
Despite the band's growing success, vocalist Ian Curtis was beset with depression and personal difficulties, including a dissolving marriage and his diagnosis with epilepsy. Curtis found it increasingly difficult to perform at live concerts, and often had seizures during performances.
On the eve of the band's first American tour in May 1980, Curtis, overwhelmed with depression, committed suicide.