Thursday, April 15, 2010

More Shit SB Says

If my ass gets any bigger, somebody is going to plant a flag in my bunghole and call it the 51st state.


Syd said...

What would the name of that state be? We already have a Nebraska. Maybe the state of Sarcassm.

May said...

If your ass becomes the 51st state, I want to move there.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I like that, buddy. Good idea!

Lori said...

Thanks for the great much needed laugh this morning. So your ass might become a state? You need to create a poll for the name of you Ass State...I like big butts and i cannot lie...sing it with me sister!

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Love you, Lori. Have a good weekend. Make LOTS of tips.


white rabbit said...

Maybe lay on your stomach and get a mountaineer to plant the flag.

I'm sure it's charming btw! Your ass I mean not the flag.

Think I'll lie down now...

Sarcastic Bastard said...

White Rabbit,
I dig you. You crack me up. If I ever make it back across the pond, we must have a beer or three.

Have a great weekend.


Mr.Mischief said...

whats scary is that the wife and i have pic that would fit perfect with this post, but i dont know if the world is ready for it-maybe she will email it to

invisigal said...

51st state? I thought that was Canada! :{

Kissa said...

I'm with May! Let's all move to Sarcastiass! State 51! My ass may be in competition though... ;)