Thursday, April 1, 2010

NEW SB Feature: Big Shlong of the Week

[I'm really just doing this to mortify the Moms, but this shit is respectfully dedicated to my idol, Ms. Moon, who gave me the idea inadvertently. Thanks Ms. Moon!]

Caption: Even a guitar can't hide Bowie's GINORMOUS junk!


That Hank said...

Hell, I'm pretty sure his junk got second billing in Labyrinth.

Mj Rains said...

Honestly, Bowie makes me cringe, junk and all. He does have a good voice however.

Love Ya, SB.


Sarcastic Bastard said...

I will check that out. Thanks!



Sarcastic Bastard said...

I am admittedly weird, but I think David Bowie is the prettiest human being I've ever seen, other than Annie Lennox maybe.

Love you back.

The Dish said...

I dig Bowie. He is super sexy, and I don't think I have ever said that about any ambiguous person before.

Syd said...

He dresses to the left. At least it looks that way to me.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Good eye!

All This Trouble... said...

See, I think that's all balls. And he isn't big as a minute. Anything would look big with that backdrop!

Bowie's okay. I DO like his eyepatch. AAarrrgggghhh! My pants are too tight, matey!

Ms. Moon said...

I think it's a damn sock.
Sock monkey, maybe.

Petit fleur said...

Wow... who knew?

white rabbit said...

I think he just stuffed a banana down his pants...

As one does.

Mary LA said...

Is that a grapefruit in his pants or is he just glad to be a girl?

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