Thursday, April 1, 2010

Shit SB Says

I was out on the deck at lunch, and I looked up, and the NEW NEIGHBOURS FROM HELL had hung a cross over our shared porch/entryway. Tonight, my American Humanist Association sticker is going out on my front door. It says something like: More Americans do not believe in religion than those who do. I am a non-believer.

FUCKERS. I am so mad. THIS IS WAR!


Jeannie said...

Just spin the thing until it's upside down and burn a black candle.

Andie said...

Oh see? This is the fun I was talking about! lol

I really hate it how they try and force their beliefs on other..argh!!

How I would love to be a fly on the wall watching this all go down!

Petit fleur said...

Sorry you have neighbors at all... I normally don't like having them either, but the ones I have now are magnificent...

Maybe they'll move?

Memoirs of a Heroinhead said...

A cross hanging over the porch! Fuck, that's worse than walking under a ladder.

Here's what you do:

Hang the letters 'C U N' to the left of it. When they remove the cross they also remove the obscenity... it's in their hands.

Love across Oceans

Shane. x

mrs.missalaineus said...

start playing slayer every day. LOUD.


Sarcastic Bastard said...

So far, I ain't kilt anybody.


Sarcastic Bastard said...

Now THAT was a solution, my brother. Laugh.



Sarcastic Bastard said...

I will do my best, buddy. Thanks.

Mel's Way or No Way said...

See now that's what I hate...others just pushing their beliefs on everyone else! I say you can "make it disappear".