Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Conversation Between the Communication Brothers

We call daddums (Larry) and his brother, Uncle Gene (in photo above), the Communication Brothers, because they converse, but don't listen to each other, and they always manage to get dates and times wrong when their asses try to get together. It NEVER fails. EVER.

Uncle Gene (of Toledo, Ohio) is the older brother, and this is the way a telephone conversation between them went recently. Daddums was out at his place in Arizona.

I'm 81 now, and that's the median age of death for men. You had better hurry and come see me. I might be dead otherwise. [Clearly, optimism runs in my family.]

Larry: Gene, could you please wait to die until after I get back to Ohio? Otherwise, I'm going to have to pay for a damn plane ticket.

1 comment:

Ms. Moon said...

True brotherly love. Kinda makes me want to kiss a kitten or something.