Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Shit SB Says in a Comment

I can never match all the fucking socks [from the dryer] up either. Where do they go? Is there a sock heaven or some shit? Or, does somebody else, someplace else on the planet, get my damn missing socks? That shit boggles the mind.


Petit fleur said...

Well I have to theories I subscribe to. One is that they are sucked up a wormhole in the dryer and transported to the rings of Saturn. The other is that it is a communist plot designed by the Chinese and Russians to make all us Westerners nuts and make us buy more socks.

That's all I got.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Your theories sound plausible to me, but then I'm batshit crazy.



Ms. Moon said...

No. Dryers come with parallel universes installed. Have you never noticed that sometimes MONTHS later your missing sock is returned?

Kissa said...

I have your socks. When are you coming to get them? And who has mine? ;)

Sarcastic Bastard said...

That is funny, girl.

Loves ya.

Bethany said...

I have your socks.
Do you have my brain?

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I wish I had your brain. It's much finer than mine.

I've missed you. Love your blog SO MUCH.