Since I noticed I have a follower or two less this morning, receiving this fine award offsets the slight umbrage I was feeling about my stats going down. Fuck you, whoever dropped off. Eat me. Miss A. likes me enough to give me a damn award, so I must be doing something right. Did I say, eat me, you fair-weather dickhead shit-for-brains follower?
Moving on--Miss A., many thanks for the honor. You and Mr. M. are special to SB's cold stone creamery heart.
[But still--fuck you, you shit bag fair-weather follower.]
[p.s. If you were in a tragic holiday car crash and died and your blog was removed, I apologize for these harsh words.]
And this post is why you deserve this award. I just adore you and your words. You know that, right?
I am predicting that by the end of 2010 your blog is going to be one of the most-widely read in the entire world. I mean really. Why would people read Pioneer Woman when they could just as easily be reading YOU??
Mark my words.
P.S. Please remember us, the little people, when you are on The Today Show, being interviewed by Matt Lauer.
And here's the weird thing- my cold, jealous soul is not jealous of you at all. You're just too wonderful for that.
Ms. Moon,
I would only appear on the Matt Lauer if you would go with me and hold my hand.
Actually, I decided long ago that if I ever got any kind of fame for anything, I would ONLY appear on the Charlie Rose and the Graham Norton. They are my faves.
And still, only if you would come with me. I'm an introvert masquerading as an extrovert. I'm really quite shy.
I know. I would hold your hand.
You made me laugh so hard I snorted, which is unbecoming of a lady!
they already have a nice book about pioneer women- it's called 'little house on the prairie' . . . .
this is why you \m/ RAWK \m/!!!
my friend k has a great way of making divorce pinatas if you want to become skilled in the art of paper mache. . .
and you are the coolest person in ohio. . .i know this as i lived there too!
You know I love you!
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