Anyhoo, the small community Lars lives in embraces the doll because they think: what the shit, we love Lars, and if he's got some sort of psychosis or problem, then we're going to help that bitch out, like small communities often do. The town embraces the doll and treats that bitch like she is a real person, even though her conversational abilities are nil, JUST BECAUSE THEY LOVE LARS. Isn't that great?
I laughed so hard. The movie is fucking great. Two dicks up! That shit is highly recommended.
ps i think the name Lars comes from Sweden
is that doll the thing that looks like a shop mannequinn and they sell it on the internet and people fuck it? I saw something on tv about that. also I heard about this film. what odd subject matter
Yep. That's what the doll is. That shit is anatomically correct. You've got to use a turkey baster with soap to clean her damn vag out from time to time, which would be a drag. But a woman that doesn't nag might be nice. Laugh.
I can say that shit, since I am a chick. Don't you mens be saying that shit though!
SB loves you.
Adding this one to my Netflix. Can't wait to surprise A. Hahaha!
I have been meaning to see this forever. Okay. I will. Because I trust you.
Maybe I will be able to find it on demand tonight since The Husband is studying for finals...
Oh, and thank you for making me vomit in my mouth with the turkey baster comment. Classic!
I loved this movie with my whole heart. It was quirky, which suits me, so sweet and so hilarious. I need to watch it again. Maybe I just need to but it and keep it in the keeper collection.
The doll was a little creepy though, I am not a big fan of dolls, due to some childhood phobias.
I love quirky movies, this one is on my list to see for sure now...
Oh dear lord I said but when I meant buy. I hate typos.
This is such a great movie! I loved the scene where they're taking care of the sick doll. Ryan Gosling is my lover...true story.
I think someone (namely YOU) is pulling my leg about Ryan Gosling. No?
Love, SB.
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