Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We Are All Responsible for This

Sickening. I feel ill.


Syd said...

It is sickening. I haven't heard anything about my working down there but my resume is in.

Jeannie said...

Ignorance is bliss. We are a stupid species.

I don't understand why more wasn't done to contain the oil around the spill site. A flotilla of ships and boats with booms mopping up the oil before it got far away. Shameful.

Ms. Moon said...

No words.

North West London Girl said...

BLoody hell, I feel terrible x

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Of course I would be happy that they received your very capable help down in the Gulf, however, I must say I find it really crappy that after spending your life protecting our oceans and cleaning trash on beaches up and educating youth about ecology, that you have to go and work to help clean this mess up. It makes feel sick. That said, I love and admire you for volunteering.


Sarcastic Bastard said...

Dearest Findon,
I don't blame BP anymore than I blame any other big oil company or, for that matter, all of us for being oil greedy with our SUVs and 4 cars per household. This happened due to all of our greed (including mine, of course). We are all responsible. You are right in what you said in your comment.

Pat Oscar the Grouch for me. Give my regards to your Beautiful.

I love you lots,


Sarcastic Bastard said...

North West London Girl,
Me too, love. Me too.



Kathleen Scott said...

Feels like doom bubbling in my chest.

You might be interested in putting the live video feed and the leak calculator widget on the blog, both available at: . I know, it's hard to look at but the more people see it, the more they'll get it.

Sweden said...

makes me want to kill myself

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Well said, love.

I'll check it out. Thank you.

I know, me too. But please don't.

Love to all,


Sarcastic Bastard said...

Me too, babe. Thank you for reading me.