The Famewhore Squirrel Welcomes Motherfuckers to Sarcastic Bastard. It's not easy being THE SPOKESWHORE OF AMERICA, but sometimes a bitch has got to sacrifice!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Creative Signage: Classy Homeless Guy
Here's a homeless guy with some class. Hey, there's nothing wrong with being direct, people! Direct gets things done. Dude's a damn titty entrepreneur. I'd probably let him cop a feel, but only if he shared his ciggies with me. I'm no slut.
SB I am curious as to why he starts his sign saying "Sorry" Is he sorry that he's blind? Sorry that he wants to feel my tits? Does he care if the tits belong to a man or a woman? Blind people should think of these things before they make a sign...
I am a Gen-X, lazy, manic-depressive bastard, with an eating disorder, OCD, and a propensity for alcoholism. I am basically hell to live with, but I enjoy red wine, Ritalin, reality TV, and disdainful cats. This description could also be useful as a personal ad for a dating service.
SB I am curious as to why he starts his sign saying "Sorry" Is he sorry that he's blind? Sorry that he wants to feel my tits? Does he care if the tits belong to a man or a woman? Blind people should think of these things before they make a sign...
I didn't get the Sorry thing either. I guess he's sorry to be so fucking rude as to ask to grope some tittage. Who knows?
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