Friday, December 18, 2009

From Shitmydadsays

"Mom is smarter than you...No? Well, ask yourself this; has mom ever unknowingly had toilet paper hanging out of her ass?...Mom 1. You 0."


Danielle said...

hm..i once had a horrible blind date...and after having dinner together..well...yes a toilett visit and a return with toilletpaper somewhere hanging out was included...well..i never called her again...or to say it with your words: date 0. me 1.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Welcome! I see your comments over at Ms. Moon's MOST EXCELLENT site.

Any friend of hers, is a friend of mine.

Join us anytime.

Love, SB.

Erin said...

Hhahahahahahahaha, love it!

Ms. Moon said...

God, I love Dad.