Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Just Love this Fucking Photo

New baby come along, it's like fuck Fido. Fido, you be nice to the new baby or else! Fido say fuck new baby. Me here first. Bowser say eat me humans! Your reptilian offspring can suck on my doggy balls.


Mel said...

Jeeeezus - bad doggie!

The Dish said...

That's awesome! The look on that dog's face is priceless.

Anonymous said...

Aww, he just wants to sit on the baby's lap! Not his fault the baby is tippy.

Ms. Moon said...

That dog is just protecting the baby. Really. And trying to nurse it.

ashtree said...

This photo just made my day! Thanks SB.


Steph(anie) said...

I sorta love that the adult TOOK A PICTURE before/instead of getting that big ass dog off the baby.

Lori said...

I am a dog lover. They are loyal to a fault, and very JEALOUS. LOL.. Great pic.

Syd said...

So cute! Those labs like those toys. Mine had 13 toys out last night--each one taken out of the toy box.

Mr.Mischief said...

Circle of life-big human feed dog, dog feeds little human to return the favor..

Jeannie said...

Ha! Love it! I can so see my dog doing this...

mrs.missalaineus said...

dog 1, baby 0. now get in my belly!


Sarcastic Bastard said...

Happy to make your day.

Love, SB.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I love it, too. Cracks me up. You've got to have your priorities, right?

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Thanks, love.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

My dog is a German Short-Haired Pointer and does the same thing. She takes all her "babies" out of the box to show them off.

Cracks me up. Now, if I could just teach her to put them back in the box after.

Bethany said...

Looks just like my Jazzy dog.
You're right about humans abandoning their dogs when they have babies, as if the animals were just "practice" Makes me sick.
Though I hope no babies were hurt in this photo. I'm so sensitivly annoying!
Glad you're not though!

May said...

I think the dog is saying, "Baby? What baby?" That dog is smart. That's one way to get a baby to shut up.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Happy New Year! Thanks for reading moi.

Love, SB.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

MY MAY MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mel's Way or No Way said...

Hehehehe! That's a great photo.
That dog is saying "Look I'm cuter than any baby you bring home."