Friday, March 19, 2010

Jesus, Some People Are Ignorant

Some of my family members are gay, and my ass DOES NOT appreciate this shit at all. If you are rejected by your biological family for being gay, come join my family. SB does not discriminate. The more family, the better! It's a cold hard world, motherfuckers, and you can NEVER have too many people.


That Hank said...

Yeah, but that answer is comedy gold. Yahoo Answers is so full of morons, I'm surprised anyone else can post there.

Jeannie said...

I like the best answer.

He also has blue eyes.

Well there's the clincher. That, and if you named him Scott. or David.

Ms. Moon said...

THAT was hilarious. Thanks for the gut laugh.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Fucking TOOL is right! I love you. We could hang, baby girl.

TRUE. So very true.


Ms. Moon,
I didn't think it was funny at all. I want to adopt the kid. Poor soul.

Love you all,


Ms. Moon said...

I meant the answer. Not the question which HAS to be fake. Right?

Ms. Moon said...

Because you know me. I wish there were more gay people not only in my life, but in my family too. I'm with you on this one. Well, I think I'm with you on almost all of them.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Ms. Moon,
Sadly, I do not thing the question is fake. I'm guessing this moron is a Christian from Ohio.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Ms. Moon,
Sadly, I do not thing the question is fake. I'm guessing this moron is a Christian from Ohio.

Petit fleur said...

To (sort of)quote Keano Reeves in his "Parenthood" role: "You have to have a license to catch a fish, but any butt reaming asshole can be a parent".

That about covers it.