Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Some Serious Shit SB Says

It's strange the way the past blows back on you. You think you've basically moved on and gotten past old hurts, but they blow back in on strange winds. The timing of their resurfacing is not under your control, and you find instantaneously that you're sucked right back to the hurt and that a part of you is still very raw. The wound was only surface-healed and is gaping wide and obscenely underneath the skin.


Steph(anie) said...

I hear ya, babe.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

And I love you, Steph. I really do. Thanks for reading me.

The Dish said...

And you never know what the fuck is going to rip off that tiny little layer of scab? And as soon as the air hits it is the most brilliant pain ever? I get it. And it blows.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

No, you never know. And I know you get it.

And also I love you. You are dear to me. There is something you should know too.

The Dish said...

You know I love too, my wonderful SB. How dull and quiet my work days, and life, would be without you!

Ms. Moon said...

And every time an old wound reopens, it does give us another chance, no matter how painful, to try to heal again. I swear.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Thanks for those wise words, Ms. Moon.

I love you.

Jeannie said...

True too! But today I had a memory flash through of something really nice that was said to me once (for the life of me I don't remember the memory now). I wish I could remember more of these.

Ken Riches said...

Sometimes when the ugly past catches up, you just need to hunker down, flip the bird, and move on.

Kathleen Scott said...

It's a shock to feel an old hurt again. Deep wounds take a long time to heal. Be kind to yourself. You deserve however much time it takes to heal.

And you will heal, little by little, until the hurt will be only a memory.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I hear you, good buddy. Thanks.

You are a doll, and I adore you. Thank you for your comment.

Mel said...

Here's wishing you scar tissue, SB. Tough itchy scabs followed by painless scars.

I think a lot about Billy Pilgrim, how he got unstuck and I feel like that every time the past sneaks up and bites me in the ass. I'm not nearly as smart as I wish I were, or surely I'd have put the past to rest where it belongs.

Good luck with all that.
