Thursday, January 7, 2010

SB Has Been Sick Motherfuckers

This blog has not been abandoned (sorry, conservative republicans). My ass has just been sick again. I was off work another day and a half, due to insidious sinus issues. I'm a pansy ass this winter. I've basically been sick since X-mas.

I have also been saved by the weather here in Ohio today. They are dismissing us at 2:00 due to an incoming snowstorm. Hot damn! Now I can get a nappy in before the big Bama/Texas bowl game tonight.

GO BAMA! [And also Coach Saban is sexy as hell. I'm available Coach Saban, and you might be able to afford me on your salary. Phone moi!]


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you've been sick, SB. My husband has sinus issues too that always start up around Christmas and don't let up until spring. I hope you have relief sooner than that!

Ms. Moon said...

Here's hoping that doctor cures you once and for all. And here's also hoping that Coach What's-his-name calls you.
I love you, Ms. Bastard! GET WELL!

Lori said...

Get well soon. Everyone I know is sick.,Probably because of this crazy ass weather. Sending you a big warm Baltimore hug....

Syd said...

I hate those insidious sinus issues. Ugh...

Erin said...


Even if you're rooting for Bama, I love ya and hope you're feeling better soon. Have you been to the doctor??? It seems like you've been sick forever!

Memoirs of a Heroinhead said...

Hope you get better soon SB...I'mlaid up myself at the moment, got hit by a bus on tuesday as I darted across the road in the snow.Nothing serious though... sprained wrist, cut knee and elbow and a little bump on the head, lol. Sometimes I wonder was I ever meant to step foot outside? I'm a danger to ALL!

Take care SB and MY LOVE & WISHES as always, Shane. XXX

PS:My word werification is 'Helaness' (Hell & S).. yep, that's just what I was saying!

michelle said...

Antibiotics and hot wings. And red wine.

Feel better

Love, michelle

Syd said...

I hope that you feel better. It will be a rough weekend weatherwise so stay warm.

'Stoopid Slapped Puppies' said...

I had a good seven inches overnight on Tuesday and then it snowed.LOL
Hope you are feelking better
Nearly the weekend SB
GO 49ers?
Big Hands

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Jesus. What a way to start the damn new year! Poor dear.

Heal quickly.

Love, SB.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I will take your advice. Actually, hot wings DO sound good!



Sarcastic Bastard said...

Nick is NAUGHTY.

Bethany said...

Feel better SB!